
The firewall group is a kind of virtual firewall, which is used to control the incoming and outgoing traffic of instances in the firewall group, to improve the firewall of instances.


  1. By default, the firewall group only takes effect for the public IP of the instances.
  2. One instance can only join to one firewall group.
  3. The upper limit of a single firewall group can only add 100 instances.
  4. The upper limit of a single firewall group supports 50 rules (including out and in rules). When the number of hosts joining the firewall group in a batch exceeds the upper limit of the number of hosts that the firewall master can support, all hosts in batch operation fail to join the firewall group.
  5. Firewall groups are geographically differentiated. Only instances in the same region can join firewall groups in the same region.
  6. When the IP of the instance joining the firewall group changes, the changed IP will take effect in the firewall group by default.
  7. It is not allowed to create a firewall group when the first recharge is not completed.
  8. Firewall group cannot be created when the account is frozen.

    Firewall group default rules

  9. Out: all allowed
  10. In: default to 22, 80, 3389, 443, ICMP all allowed, others all rejected

    Firewall group rule priority

    Firewall group rules are matched according to priority. Priority rules take effect in the order of creation. In case of rule conflict, the rule created first shall prevail, and the priority order can be adjusted manually.

    Firewall group application case

    Common ports

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