Create firewall group
Firewall group is the virtual firewall of instance, which is used to set the network access control of single or multiple instances.
Firewall group default rules
- ICMP Protocol is open by default, and is used for Ping ECS server and other operations.
- By default, SSH port 22 and RDP port 3389 are open for accessing instances.
- The default inbound direction opens HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443, which are used to build sites using ECS instances.
- All ports are open in the default exit direction.
Operation steps
- Enter the firewall group page.
- Click "Add".
- Set the region, firewall name and description information and complete the creation.
Create firewall group
Firewall group is the virtual firewall of an instance, which is used to set the network access control of a single or multiple ECS instancesFirewall group default rules
- ICMP Protocol is open by default, and is used for Ping ECS server and other operations.
- By default, SSH port 22 and RDP port 3389 are open for accessing instances.
- The default inbound direction opens HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443, which are used to build sites using instances.
- All ports are open in the default exit direction.
Operation steps
- Enter the firewall group page.
- Click "Add".
- Set the region, firewall name and description information and complete the creation.